Friday, May 9, 2008

mad rantings and ravings of a non-believer...

If God turned His back on us for a Day.....

If God turned His back on us for a day, the little child who so wished for that toy truck, wouldn't get his toy truck and would grow up to be a bitter, world-hating freak of nature with a hatchet in his closet and a dead body under the floorboards of his pantry...

If God turned His back on us for a day, the teenage beauty queen wouldn't get the love of her life and would turn out to be a promiscuous alcoholic with bitter dreams wrapped in a bag of acidic man-hating thoughts...

If God turned His back on us for a day, the honest, self-sacrificing parents would give birth to aboriginal monsters with high libidos and murderous tempers, always on the run from the law, always on the run from themselves...

If God turned His back on us for a day, I'd probably be dead and so would you, or worse still, we'd be alive and using whatever means we have to get what we want, what we really want, even if murder would bring it to us....

If we turned our backs on God for a day.....

If we turned our backs on God for a day, the little boy with the big dreams of getting that toy truck for Christmas wouldn't expect God to give it to him, he'd probably take up a summer job and save his money for that truck and buy it all by himself...

If we turned our backs on God for a day, that teenage beauty queen wouldn't be left embittered by the lost love that she never did manage to ensnare and would probably move on in life and go on to concentrate on her career and make a name in Wall Street...

If we turned our backs on God for a day, those honest, self-sacrificing parents would give birth to honest, self-sacrificing, independent children with degrees in medicine and an ambitious gleam in their eye to make it big in the world of scientific research...

If we turned our backs on God for a day, we'd still be alive, just as alive as we are now, writing our memoirs, finding another belief to help discipline us, to help set us on the right path, the path to re-destruction..

[Note to the general audience - The images that I have posted are not my own. These have just been randomly selected to suit my posts.]

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