Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Thank you warm beds
Thank you Mimi
Thank you thank you long showers

Thank you issey miyake
Thank you father for ruffling my hair
Thank you thank you disgusting morning milk

Thank you walking with music
Thank you nice rickshaw guys
Thank you thank you early morning smiles

Thank you every morning traffic
Thank you waving school children
Thank you thank you music

Thank you air conditioned rooms
Thank you sweet old man
Thank you thank you meebo

Thank you window by my desk
Thank you clear blue sky
Thank you thank you buttermilk

Thank you telephone calls
Thank you rui
Thank you thank you friends and brothers and sisters

Thank you situations
Thank you complexities
Thank you thank you alcohol!

Thank you cigarette breaks
Thank you lunch breaks
Thank you thank you all kinds of breaks!

Thank you individual thoughts
Thank you personal flaws
Thank you thank you tears

Thank you concerned friends
Thank you lost souls
Thank you thank you the child in you

Thank you Indo-Aussie chicks
Thank you bespectacled friends
Thank you thank you shopping sprees with 'you'

Thank you guitarists
Thank you heroin addicts
Thank you thank you big mouths!

Thank you bizarre conversations
Thank you sexual connotations
Thank you thank you mood swings

Thank you desperation
Thank you frustration
Thank you thank you voiced opinions

Thank you evening times
Thank you white lies
Thank you thank you emotions

Thank you crude jokes
Thank you laughing faces
Thank you thank you depression

Thank you togetherness
Thank you happiness
Thank you thank you aloofness

Thank you calamities
Thank you paranoia
Thank you thank you phobias

Thank you dream world
Thank you physical pain
Thank you thank you dancing!

Thank you late nights
Thank you big fights
Thank you thank you family.

(I could just go on and on and yet we say life is a bitch)

[Note to the general audience - The images that I have posted are not my own. These have just been randomly selected to suit my posts.]

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